RAP and Rights Based Advocacy

LAAS have been working closely and in collaboration with Scottish Recovery Consortium, the Argyll and Bute and West Dunbartonshire Alcohol & Drug Partnerships, along with REACH Advocacy Scotland and the CORRA Foundation. We have made significant developments in establishing advocacy provisions for people in Argyll and Bute and West Dunbartonshire who are seeking assistance in their recovery journey or for their rights to be upheld.

Our lived experience advocates are skilled in supporting those challenged by alcohol or substance use. They help anyone challenged by drugs and alcohol to have their rights upheld, be valued, respected and heard in their journeys.  This service is available in West Dunbartonshire and most areas of Argyll and Bute

Our priority groups are anyone aged 16 or over who is subject to direct intervention by health and social care services- for example, people detained under the Mental Health Act, subject to Adults With Incapacity processes or other statutory interventions or those whose rights are not being upheld by statutory services.

RAP Funders

Contact details for Peer Advocates:

West Dunbartonshire – Jane Methven:  jane.methven@laas.org.uk

West Dunbartonshire – Pauline Davies:  pauline.davies@laas.org.uk

Cowal – Sara MacLeod:  sara.macleod@laas.org.uk

Helensburgh – Marianne Hughman: marianne.hughman@laas.org.uk

Bute – Samuel Cooke: samuel.cooke@laas.org.uk

Oban – Lisa Tarres: lisa.tarres@laas.org.uk

Mid Argyll – Daniel Broderick: daniel.broderick@laas.org.uk


Stories of Hope

We have created a Book of Hope Stories, sharing positive images of recovery and how advocacy can enable people in their recovery. We are keen that these books are offered to all the people who work with us, hopefully offering some insights into how other people have achieved their recovery, instilling a sense of hope and aspiration.” They apply a human rights-based approach within their advocacy work. Stories of Hope booklet

A huge thank you to the Corra Foundation for providing LAAS with this grant to enable us to undertake this incredibly important work. You can find out more about them by visiting their website.
