Client Satisfaction Survey

Ломонд & Argyll Advocacy Service are keen to find out what we have done well and how we can improve our service to our clients.

Имамо на располагању анкете за наше:

Основне услуге:

If you have used our Core Services; for those that have a learning disability, or are over 65 or use mental health services, and wish to give feedback, please visit our Core Services survey page:

Core Services Survey page

Recovery Advocacy Service:

If you have used our Recovery Advocacy Project and wish to give feedback, please visit our RAP survey page:

RAP survey page

Rights Based Advocacy Project:

If you have used our Rights Based Advocacy Project in West Dunbartonshire, please visit our RBA survey page

Rights Based Advocacy Survey


Хвала вам што сте одвојили време за попуњавање ових образаца, ваши ставови су нам важни како бисмо осигурали да и даље пружамо одличну услугу нашим клијентима.


If you would like a paper copy of any of these questionnaires, please contact us at the above address, or email admу.argиll@laas.oРГ.uk или назовите 01546 606056


Шкотски Независни заступање савеза:

Због пандемије Цовид-19, the SIAA developed a questionnaire that you can complete if you used our services during the pandemic period. You will need to download before completing then email to

Download Satisfaction Survey (Pandemic version)

This is slightly different to our own LAAS questionnaire and will give us an insight to how we have performed during the pandemic.